

网上网赌平台的历史跨度超过125年,以学生为中心的创新. 位于伊迪丝大厦F楼上方的一所小学校.W. 伍尔沃斯有限公司. 1894年到120英亩的校园,这就是我们的故事.


1894最具活力的商学院位于F楼三层.W. 伍尔沃斯有限公司. in the Edith Building as a non-sectarian, co-educational college dedicated to career training.

1896最优秀的商学院, 以男女同校的职业培训而闻名, 被威廉·摩根买下并更名为摩根商学院.

1911摩根商学院被彼得伯勒买下, 新罕布什尔州的铁路管理员约翰. 老网上网赌平台.他本人就是商学院的毕业生. 学院更名为摩根-网上网赌平台商学院. 超过45年了, the college earns an excellent reputation for educating accountants and secretaries, 并且看到了学生入学人数的增加. Thomas, serving as the College’s “principal,” develops a reputation as a gifted teacher.


1956学院搬到了约翰·威尔在西尔弗街的故居, 这里是沃特维尔最大最好的庄园之一. 学院在那里使用两栋大楼, 行政办公室一份, 图书馆和教室, 另一个是女生宿舍, 餐厅, 商店和学生休息室. 约翰L. 小网上网赌平台。. 被任命为总统.

1958: The 缅因州 State Legislature grants Thomas College the right to confer Associate in Arts and Associate in Secretarial Science degrees.


1960 (约.):朱厄尔厅,一个以拉尔夫·a·史密斯命名的男子宿舍. 朱厄尔是第一任董事会主席,他很敬业.

1962一座新的教学楼开放,成为所有学术活动的中心. 汤姆斯初级学院更名为汤姆斯学院.

1963: The 缅因州 State Legislature grants Thomas College the right to confer four-year Bachelor of Science in Business Education and Bachelor of Science in Administration degrees.

1964:水手图书馆开放. 它是以欧内斯特C. Mariner, who served as Chairman of the Thomas college Board of Trustees for 15 years.

1965演讲厅:演讲厅, 音乐会和戏剧表演被添加到主教学楼. 9月, a new building with a dining center and women’s dormitory is completed and named for Ann S. 帕克斯,学院的第一位女理事.

1969: The 缅因州 State Legislature grants Thomas College the right to confer Associate in Science degrees.

1969电话工人举行罢工, and those workers with students at Thomas help build a baseball field on the new campus. 球场上的工人工资是3美元.每小时25美元,约翰·L·肯尼迪总统. 网上网赌平台认为该领域的账单超过了4200美元. (今天,同样一个棒球场的价格至少是现在的十倍.)

1970: A dormitory with accommodations for both men and women in separate wings was opened at the new campus on West River Road. 同年12月,学生会和餐饮中心开业.


1972: A student village with townhouse-style accommodations for seniors and juniors is opened at the new Thomas College campus on West River Road.

1974-1976: The 缅因州 State Legislature grants Thomas College the authority to award Bachelor of Science in 专业 Stu死 and Master of Science in Business degrees.

1976: Thomas College purchases its first computer, a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11.

1980:小约翰·网上网赌平台总统. 死. 福特. 格兰特, 他曾是一名教师,也是该学院负责财务事务的副校长, 被任命为临时总统. 后来的保罗·G. 前学院院长简森被任命为网上网赌平台的全职院长.

1982-1983计算机网上网赌平台系统专业开始, and Thomas College purchases its first personal computers—2 Macintoshes and a Compaq Portable PC.

1983学院实行实习计划, helping to establish Thomas as a college that graduates students who are prepared for career success.

1984: The 缅因州 State Legislature grants Thomas College the authority to award Master of Business Administration degrees.

1986: Cyril M. 乔利,小. 接替即将退休的保罗. 简森当选总统.

1988: Thomas College purchases its first computer network dedicated to administrative use, 并创建了第一个局域网.

1989大卫·F. 埃默里被任命接替西里尔. 乔利,小. 作为临时总统,等待乔利的永久继任者的选出. 埃默里的任期为六个月,乔治·R·布什(George R. 斯潘被任命为网上网赌平台院长.

1994:所有宿舍房间都配有语音、数据和视频线路. The addition of this technology is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation. 第一次楼对楼网络连接完成, 网上网赌平台也加入了互联网.

1995: Thomas College announces a partnership with 缅因州 InternetWorks (MINT) that makes Thomas and MINT the local internet providers for the Central 缅因州 region.

1998: A new phone system is purchased to handle the additional load of student dormitory rooms and to make Thomas Y2K compliant. 开设计算机管理和软件开发专业.

1999:网上网赌平台宣布网上网赌平台保证工作计划, 这是全国同类项目中最广泛的. Thomas College becomes one of the first colleges in the country to establish a web-based computer administrative system.

2000网上网赌平台庆祝拥有300个座位的劳瑞特·阿约特礼堂的开幕. 有大投影屏幕, 最先进的音响系统, 和技术学习实验室教室, 劳瑞特·阿约特礼堂是东北地区最多功能的礼堂之一. 网上网赌平台社区使用这个宽敞的设施举办音乐会, 学生活动, 会议, 特别活动, 甚至每周五晚上看电影. 网上网赌平台还增加了基础教育专业, 心理学, 刑事司法, 和计算机科学. The College announces partnerships with the 缅因州 刑事司法 Academy and Putnam Investments, 哪个学校开设了一个中心.

2001: Thomas College announces a partnership with Bridge Educational Computer Career5 Center of Westbrook, 缅因州. 网上网赌平台棒球队赢得NAIA新英格兰锦标赛, and the team develops a partnership with minor league baseball team the Portland Sea Dogs, 波士顿红袜队的农场队.

2002当前位置传媒专业新设. 校园里几乎每个地方都为学生提供无线网络. 宣布与缅因州中部商会建立伙伴关系.

2003: The College completes major renovations to the 餐厅 Center and opens Bartlett Hall, 配有无线网络的100个床位的新学生宿舍, 有线电视, 休息室, 小型厨房, 计算机领域.

2004: Thomas is selected for a second time in five years by the Microsoft Corporation as a case study for best uses of the company’s products. Microsoft focuses its examination on the College’s use of its ISA Server 2004 product for security, 工作表现及报告.

2005网上网赌平台得到1美元.25 million challenge grant from the Harold Alfond Foundation for construction of a $4.600万体育中心. The gift is the largest ever received by the College for construction of a facility. 网上网赌平台宣布推出前所未有的9美元.600万资本运动. 这个活动, 是学院历史上规模最大的一次, 是为了资助新的哈罗德·奥尔方德体育中心, 奖学金捐赠及年度营运资金. The College receives several generous challenges for the campaign, including the H. Allen Ryan挑战,奖金50万美元Unity Foundation挑战,奖金15万美元. 除了, 100 percent of Thomas’s Board of Trustees donate and many regional businesses contribute, 包括道明北银行, N.A.该公司承诺捐款25万美元.

200638,000平方英尺的哈罗德·阿尔方德体育中心首次开放. 学院还完成了一个受欢迎的娱乐室. 一个新的教育学硕士课程启动. 总体入学人数自2002年以来增长了39%. The record enrollment puts the College on track for its ambitious goal of nearly doubling its undergraduate enrollment over 10 years.

2007: The College purchases an additional 50 acres of land from Eaglewood Estates and near the Kennebec River to support its continued growth in enrollment.

2008: 网上网赌平台开放联排别墅单元, 哪个两层楼能容纳88名学生, 套房式生活区.

2012Laurie Lachance, Thomas M.B.A. 1992年,被任命为网上网赌平台院长. 她是学院的第一位女校长和第一位校友校长.

2013: Thomas College begins construction on the George and Marty Spann Student Commons, 最先进的学术中心和图书馆. The College also builds new turf fields to accommodate the Terriers athletics teams and members of the community. 网上网赌平台举办了超过3场庆祝活动,000年小学, 中间, 高中生也可以享受这些空间. 网上网赌平台还增加了8个新的学术项目. 学院发放了700多万美元的机构财政援助, 其中包括105美元,伯纳德·奥舍基金会捐赠了000美元.

2014: 哈罗德·奥尔方德学术中心开放,这是校园里的第二个学术设施. 它包括H. 艾伦·瑞安商学院, 肯尼斯和伊娃·格林图书馆, 珍妮的咖啡馆, 伯特和珊瑚克利福德金融中心, 还有教室, 学生成功中心, 学习的房间, 以及教职员办公室. 学院还开设了另一个宿舍,亨利和艾伦欣曼楼. The main entrance is relocated to accommodate construction and later named Sheridan Drive.

2016: 学院更新校园总体规划. 

2017: 3美元.哈罗德·奥尔方德基金会拨款四百万, 学院建立了哈罗德·奥尔方德®商业创新研究所.

2017: 网上网赌平台成立了教育学院. 

2017: 网上网赌平台毕业了第一批基斯-摩根学员. 该课程是学院正式的三年制本科学位课程.

2018: 学院开始庆祝成立125周年th 今年的毕业典礼将于2019年春季举行.

2018网上网赌平台获得2美元的奖励.3 million grant from the United States Department of Education’s Title III Strengthening Institutions Program—making it the only private college in 缅因州 to receive both federal TRIO and Title III funding.

2018: 大学级别的电子竞技项目启动.

2018: 一个新的校园步道系统,苏克福斯家庭步道系统,在校园内开放.  

2019: 教育学院命名为彼得学院 & 宝拉·伦德教育学院.

2020: The College announces it will offer online graduate degree programs for the first time.

2020: President Lachance launches the Presidential Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Social Justice.

2020: 学院获得1美元的奖励.三重奏学生支援服务补助金300万.

2021: Thomas College announces completion of the “Guaranteeing the Future Campaign” at $30 million, 超过了2700万美元的目标.

2021: 学院的新体育设施将于2022年秋季开放.